The 4th theme for our blog is "Business Development in the US for Japanese Companies.” In our blog, A-Lex discusses How to effectively PR your business in the US.
English article follows Japanese.

ポイント1: 会社目線(自社目線)ではなく、投資家目線(お客様目線)でPR
→日本: 歴史を最初の方のページで紹介する会社が多い
→アメリカ: お客様にとってのメリットを訴求
日本とアメリカでの営業アプローチ方法の違いを一言で表すと、「日本:会社目線、アメリカ: 投資家目線」といえます。例えば会社案内やウェブサイトでは、1ページ目やトップページに会社概要や歴史、社長の挨拶などを紹介している日本企業が多いです。反対にアメリカ企業の会社案内・ウェブサイトでは、自社製品の顧客に対するメリットを真っ先に紹介しています。
ポイント2: 顧客にとって何がメリットかを、数字やデータで紹介する
Our working environment has drastically changed this year all over the world as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic. Many of us are having a hard time getting hold of a right person over the phone as most companies encourage their employees to work from home.
It has never been more critical than now how to cultivate and approach potential clients without having direct conversations. In this blog, we’d like to present how different approaches Japanese and US companies tend to take using their sales tools such as websites, corporate brochures, etc.
Point 1. Through Investors’ Eyes, Not Your Company’s
Ex.) Website, Corporate Brochure, etc.
JPN companies: First page is filled with “who we are” info
US companies: Advantages for clients first comes on the top page
The biggest difference between Japanese and US companies in their sales materials is what information comes first. On the landing page of their website or first page of their company brochure, many Japanese companies try to prove their identity by providing president’s greetings, corporate history, etc. US companies, on the other hand, first demonstrate what kind of advantages and merits their products/services can offer.
Point 2. Use Data and Figures to Visualize the Benefits
Ex.) Product Catalogs:
It is most recommended to provide the viewers with the features of the products/services, comparisons with competitors, etc. on the very first page. Ideally, the page should also have eye-catching slogans to stimulate viewers’ interests, followed by figures, graphs, etc. that precisely describe the advantages of the products/services over the competitors’.
These are the actions startup or small-/mid-size companies from Japan should take to approach large companies in the U.S. Past records and connections with someone from the target companies can come in handy, but they are not as advantageous in the U.S. as they are in Japan.
U.S. companies are always on the lookout for new technologies and improvement. Business opportunities will definitely arise when they are more interested in the products/services than in the company scale, history, and number of employees.